Stepping Stone Support Center Is Dedicated To Sharing Opportunities To Become The Best Versions Of Ourselves.

The Future Can Be a Scary Path To Travel, So Let’s Take It One STEP at a Time Together…
We want to create a lifestyle for our participants to be able to work and provide for themselves. This goal looks different for each individual, which is why Stepping Stone values person-centered thinking. We provide job skills, life skills, independent living skills, and social opportunities to our participants. Our goal is for each participant to live as autonomously as possible, and we strive to provide the necessary supports to help make this a reality!
Life is all about relationships and community. We value both and want to support our participants by teaching how to make and maintain lifelong friendships. Our many celebrations and holiday events, exciting outings, Rollin’ Stones activities, and monthly Friday Night Events are just some of the many opportunities for making friends and getting out into the real world! We also value community for our families and providers. Please join us for our parent/caregiver meetings and social opportunities!
We know that no one person can do life alone. That’s why we highly value empowering individuals in our community, striving to continually provide the tools, encouragement, and motivation for them to succeed. We believe that empowering others in an authentic way increases self-awareness, self-confidence, and engagement.
Through all of our services, we strive to add value to each task, giving our providers and participants a sense of purpose. We acknowledge that without a sense of purpose, it’s often difficult to find motivation and value. Our providers and participants are held to a high standard, and we highly value their input—creating an organic sense of greater purpose for everyone.
Zack giving a thumb up as he preps for his day on the Product Team!
Fred hard at work at the gym!